hah.. update?

so I've been single for a month and I go out for the first time with my dear friend.
we meet up with some of our old work buddies and who do I find there?
the new guy.. Lets just call him J.

and OMFFFGGWLLKHGWJOÖw4rhtldFNsöodiugwKJ3R4PIljhsrp8trghKJJHASIGE.

just like my dear friend said to me, "I don't know how you do it."

just broke up with an absolute scumbag (and so proud over myself that I managed to do that because he wasn't treating me nicely) and the first single night im out on, I find myself in the arms of, honestly, the most amazing guy.

for the first time ever it feels like im not rushing into anything. and for the first time ever it feels kinda.. right?

he's so calm and stable.. he really knows what he wants and who he is (unlike me) and that just makes me a better person.

as well as I think I kind of makes him do things a bit more spontainously.

it's a perfect mix, like he said.... OIJWEOTBDFHBGEOBTRIEUYR4I3U2G4671KII734

ahhh... do i have the biggest crush ever?

i think yes.


Gotte get a new blog, boyfriend found it.


me so hoorn.. hrm. TIERD

Been doing swedish all evening, and been walking around touuun all day looking for a winter jacket.
I cannot fine one that suits me. 

God, really? Thought we we're mates, man. What happend?
OH RIGHT, I'm living with a man whom I am not married to... YET.
It's late and I'm still awake even though I do have school rather early in the morning.

I M   S U C H  A  R E B E L !

Did I forget to mention Jack Nicholson is my long lost brother?
Yeah, we hang out.

out with the old and disgusting and in with a NEW SPARKLY MAN!

oh hai.
I need some spanking from being waaaaaaaaahj too absent!
Well, I went to scotland this summer and spent all my money on a guy whos sister is the most pathetic creature(big mamal) ive ever meet. Just needed to say it on the blog, since she's reading it to gain more haaaatiiiiin'. 

Anyway, here we go!
I attended a play in scotland, as a part of the Edinburg festival; the fringe. It was marvelous and I did good. 
That is where I meet my dear boyfriend sam who is a professional actor/standup comedian. 
I left scotland because my mother and father missed me, otherwise I would have liked to stay forever. 
My boyfriend left scotland a month ago and is now living with me as my "partner" or co-habitant (?). hah. 
So he moved to Sweden for me, and im very very very happy, and so is he. 
We're happy together:) YAY.
He's going to work in a kindergarden kind of and take care of children. He's already started to learn swedish and he's.. well. He's ok.
Hm, anything else. 
He plays the guitar and he sings, and he's just miiiiiiiiiighty fine in general.

On a serious note though, I think I finally did something right.

Im cheesy and I know it.


It's easter break for my school and im doing homework?


I also bought a cat(!!)
And an Iphone 4(!!)



He is 5 years old, fatest kitty still walking. And hes allllll mineeee.
Wow creepy.
Name: Malfoy Diabetes Arthur.  Its beautiful. Just like him.(?)
Picture taken by my awwwesome iphone!

Now just cus im bored, instead of eating, I will add my new favorite youtube video <3
Pretty old, but doesnt mean I cant love it! :D
Reminds me of myself.


This has keept me laughing for the last.. 5 days?



I've gotten real sick, again.


I wonder how many blogs I've started with the sentance "IM SICK"

Anyway. Boyfriend just left to go slave some more for his psycho parents. GAH AMERICANS.
So now I'm all alone and I'm trying to start up some more homework.
I have been really productive this week, so Im proud of myself :) BUT that doesnt mean I should start slacking.

First STUDY!                                                                Then SLEEP!



*inner voice* "then why are you on your blog instead of studying?"

- .............................

...due tomorrow...






















I'm now 18, and got access to all my money...


'Evening Gov'nor!

(Just gonna pretend everything is absolutely normal and that I have NOT been absent for OMG such a long time)

Guess what..
It's my birthday tomorrow :D
I'm turning 18! SHIIIIIT now I can't get away with murder or drugs or other fun stuff :(
Grown up life sucks.

I am extremely sick at the moment, no surprise there since it is scientifically proven that God does not want me to enjoy my special day. Nah just kidding boss.

Got a high fever, horrible throath, nose is running etc etc. I'm not gonna tell you more details, you perverts!
SO right now I'm sitting at my desk watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows PART 1.
Very much disapointed by how extremely embarrassing it is. Shockingly aweful, thats what it is.
Waiting for my little boshiboo (boyfriend) who will comfort me and make it alllll good! And listening to the most awesomest song, well for now;
PINK-fucking perfect

Little Jenny growing up. Touching.


My life sucks.

or without you.

Yay another bed picture!
And that's the most yayless "yay" ever >.<

I'm really tierd.
But I guess I have to get up soon anyway.

It's funny how everything in life seems to go wrong, when it feels like your at the bottom.
But then it turns out, you really can sink even lower.
Another yayless yay to that!

Today, what I can look forward to is my cup of Persian old grey-tea, and my studies.

But who knows, if I'm lucky, maybe a friend will help?

A very very nice one.. ^^ *girly giggle*

Watashi wa sukoshi tokimeki o motte iru to omou~


Why do I even bother getting up today?
Or even out of bed?

Right, I don't..

I want to go home to my mom and be with her,
But I can't.
I have girls coming over and there is so much I have to do today.
Why can't we just skip christmas, just this year?

Sooo stressed.

And tomorrow?
WTF am I going to do!?

home. horrible day. hate homework.

I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on the blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya
See I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes I would die for ya baby,

but you won't do the same.



This is me imitating what I want for Christmas.


Well.. I kinda pulled it off... not.

Anyway. I guess school is a bit less stressed,

YAY 3 pictures!! BOOYAHH

byebye,  now study time!


Me right now, just to show how tierd I am.
Today is a day like everyone else.
Stress, tierdness, depression and sickness.
Disgust, hate, and regret.. 
I was at the shore when I got home, I don't know what took me there. 
I was standing there for an hour, just.. waiting
I do not know what for, or why. But I did.  
Maybe for someone to save me,
but I know miracles don't excist.
I've learned that.
Still, hope is underestimated.

More stress now.

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