

Back in Göteborg and in Ketty´s apartment!!
I got no other excuse for this other then that we were bored and very drunk on apple juice. 





good night :)



HAHA got ya there!!
NO ONE noticed that I wrote 280909 in the last blog.
Hahaha, it was simply just to test you and guess what?
<3 you all

in reality, you actually did complain alot, and it wasnt even a test..
but hey, not counting zefron, no ones perfect!!


I dont know how or why, but I really miss my cousins.
There the most annoying little rats on the plannet, and they make you sooo tierd.
Screaming, bullying you, clinging on you, tickling you ect ect.
But I still love them to bits, always will. Even when they get uncute and all grown up and pimple ish.
I´ll still love them:)
I will probably not hug them as much as i do now, but yeah still very much loved.

    Alice, um like 6 years old or something.
    Dosnt seem a day over 3 though

                     I taught her that. 
                     I mean the rabbit pose,
                     not the peace thingy.
                     Thats way too cool for me.

    And the family tradition lived on.
   Tom, 9 years..I think. 


Gotta love this picture.

You see how Tom is like juuust about to.. yeah, and little Alice totally read to give him the famous Lundqvist stare. Ahh classic.




You know, Ive been like getting complains again, from all the nasty guys from the "other side" who says Im like.. too swedish.
What the shuborshon is that suppose to mean?
Im SWEDISH, its impossible to UNSWED myself when im all living in SWEDLAND.
Jeez people, accept and move on.
You should just see my way of writing okej, lål (lol) ect ect, all as a part of that lovely charm of mine.
So yeah deal with it, understando?
ALSO, I just wanna say I love you all, cus I really do. Not like I know you or anything, but since your still reading this I bet your all awesome. Or just very wierd nolifers.. But love you either way:)
And sorry for writing such horrid bloggs lately, but just bear with me here.




Second day at school.
Classes started at 10.
Exactly 10.
Not 10.10 not 10.11, just 10.
And guess who was the little girl that adores purple and  have never been late even once the last three years, that just at this perticular day, this very important morning, rushed into class at 10.06?

Good one Jenny, good one.



Im dancing around the apartment, cleaning a little here, doing the dishes there, totally rocking out the High School Musical 3 soundtrack.

Just thought you should know that.



Lazy day today.
School starts tomorrow.
Im a nerv wreck.
Kettys is being my moral support, she thinks Im gonna hang myself with one of my scarfs.
Im looking out into space, thinking about how big the possibilety of a plane crashing right at this apartment is.
We have decided not to take a step outside today.
I like that decision very much.
I like it so much that I think we should do it more, like tomorrow for example.
Yeah, I deffinetly think we should do it tomorrow too.
Or a plane could just crash, that would work for me too.
Or someone with swineflu could come visit. You would even get a free kiss.
Just, save me?

big day

I moved

Im gonna miss everything and everyone soo much,
but, and dont tell her, the one im gonna miss the most
is actually my mom.
Cus even though we fight probably  98% of the time we spend together
shes always gonna be the most annoying, immature, and awesome mother ever.
and im the luckiest daugther in the world to have her
Im just too proud to tell her this, so I say this to my blogg instead :
(how depressing is that!?)

- Im gonna miss you mamma:'(


How to make your mouth orgasm

            I don´t know why..                                         Always on my mind ♥ 

                                                    Estrella 4EVA!!! 


Did you know that my family got a honey farm?               Swedish strawberries
                                            Well, we do ♥  

 Who ever said applejuice is only for geeks?
                                     I drink it all the time....                    OBOY FFS

                                Am I very weird for loving dark chocolate with chilli?
                                                                Well, then so be it. Im weird.

new moon


(thats my girly scream)


dont swallow, whatever you do, dont swallow

I swallowed a bug today

I was just walking, minding my own business, singing a song
my mouth was open, I never thought it would happen to me
you hear so many stories, but think nah, that won't be me.
But this time, it actually was me.
I didn't even see what color it was, but I'm pretty sure it was black
it tasted like licorice

I like licorice
but trust me, this was just not the same.

Just.. keep your mouth close when your walking.


HATE PAWI - for Alex

Love suck.
It really does,
there is no other way of putting it.
It literally sucks the life out of you.
And ofcourse it can also be amazing
but mostly, it sucks.
And then there is the heartbreak.
And BAM suddenly all you can think about is how much you miss that person
and wants that person back, wants things back to normal
But you see, thing is
you really really don´t need that person,
 who by the way is a complete skank and will be dead when I get my hands on her.
What you need is just to realize what a nasty bitch that person is and forget about her
and get yourself some new hot girlfriend, who I by the way have to approve of first ofcourse.

Because you see Alex, you don't deserve anything but the best, and I'll probably never find a girl that´s good enough for ya. I´ll always be like your overprotective older sister, and you know I´ll always be there for you, just like you will always be there for me.

No matter how many innocent hearts you´ll break with that lovely charm of yours, you know you can just lean back on me when you get tired :)

And Pawi, if you see this, oh you better run, bitch run.




Thank you little KwettySpwagetty for letting me stay at your apartment
and sorry for making it so messy, but I know you secretly love it.

Sooo, Gothenburg was awesome, as always. But this time I have to say it was even more awesome then usual.
It was this huge festival thingy called Kulturkalaset.
And its all about art, dance, music ect ect. You know, culture.

And it was fuuuuuun, and free:D
And being the artistic person I actually am, believe it or not, I got stuck at this painting thingy.
You were supposed to paint the meaning of culture 
So I painted the first thing that came to my mind.
A bee.  
After about 2 hours, and Im not even exaggerating
Voila, designa a la Jenny L.Q

And my litte painting actually have a meaning too.
See, they asked us to paint culture, and the script on my painting I KULTUR ÄR ALLT MÖJLIGT means "in culture, everything is possible", even two bees who meets and fall inlove with the help of another love bee :)

yeah Im weird, get used to it.

Been shopping too, unfortunatly that wasnt free though. Not at all free actually.

And oh can´t forget the food.
As you all know im a vegitarian, and if you didnt know that shame on you for not paying attention, but love you anyway
Ketty is really, really not into um, green stuff. So, well we eat very um different.
But I guess it´ll be alright, I´ll mind my buisness and she minds her.
She eats things with faces, and I dont. Simple as that.

Swedish meatballs without meat, coscos, keso, ect ect.
Poor little dead chickens who could have had a future and chips.
Guess which mine?

Well, weve done lots of other stuff, but this is all you get to know, or you´ll stalk me or something
Um, yeah, bye


I´ll be in Gothenburg for a few days now for a festival thingy, sorry for bad bloggs, I´ll get better once im back;D
Don´t miss me too much xxx


Göteborg, here I come:D


its okey

For once, its actually okey to be jealous.

I know I got the most uber amazing awesome prettyful wickedly sexy socks humans have ever laid eyes on, so all you awesome-sock-hunters out there, just give up

And that's how I'm positioned right now, in such a badass cool pose
with my gangsta socks.

And now you actually see a bit of my "over-furnished" desk
Never has, never is and never will be cleaned


Respond to 'What do you look like when your bored?'

And no, I can´t do anything about my tongue.
Its just out there.
So get FLIPPIN used to it!


Im giving up swearing.

Im bored


What's under your bed?  That's classified information
Height? 162 cm, I see what people got in their noses
Piercings? 3 in my ears, used to have one in my nose only to piss my mom of, of course
Gold or silver? Gold, in the non snobby way, of course
One pillow or two? 2. One to sleep on, and the other to hug
Type of ice cream? I can´t say that. Its like favorising your own kids, but if I have to chose it´s Ben and Jerry's strawberry cheesecake or bohemian raspberry.
Fast food place? Anywhere I can get vegetarian really, but preferably Max, a Swedish thing
Color of socks? Clean. Duh
Disney character? Peter Pan. I used to send him love letters
Been to Africa? Yes, Egypt. Nothing I regret more then that holiday.
Lucky Number? 13 just for the heck of it. I don´t believe in luck
How do you walk? Fast, swinging my arms all over the place. I just wanna get where I'm going
Habla espanol? Oui
Do you like hairy backs? Its what I live for
What is the best accent? British or Scottish
At what age did you find out that Santa Clause wasn't real? .... he's not?
Do you want to live to be 100? I'm aiming for Dumbledore age actually
Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs? errrr... well I wouldn't say something rude to anyone's face but of course secretly wishing I had the guts to do it
Like scary movies? Do I seem like the person who like scary movies?
Wear glasses? Sometimes yes, but it´s not good for my image, gangsters don't wear glasses
Do you trust easily? No, I'm actually one of those persons who's suspicious about everything around her
Any phobias? Snakes, dark water, blood, spiders, butterflies, losing people, fjortisar, emos ect ect
Sweet or Sour? Sweet and sour
Do you like to shop? Silly question
How sexual are you on a scale of 1-10? 20
Shy? I'm actually very shy to be honest
Like attention? Very much so. I'm an actress, attention is what I live for
Best thing about you? I'm never wrong and I'm always right
Best bad thing about you? I'm an awwwesome liar
Gonna have kids? 5, and then adopt some when I get tired of squeezing them out.. erm yeah..
How far have you gone? I reached level 2 in Halo
How bored are you right now? Like making-a-quiz-about-myself-bored