
Stay Alive, dont watch it or it will hunt you foreverrrrrrrr

So I stayed at my mates house last night, Emilia Toren. Long time since we had some girly time. Thing was Emilia and I didn't exactly have the same thing in mind.   
We started out with just watching Dirty Dancing, first time for me.
Omg I know, I waited 16 years for such awesomeness.
I also wanna be called Baby all the time!!!
Anywayzzzzz... after we goofed around a bit to "I had the time of my life"- and with goofed I mean jumping around on the couches, thinking we were dancing ALMOSTS as good as Baby and Johnny- we settled down again and Emilia started this other dvd. When I asked she wouldn't tell me what it was and when she gave me a pillow I realized what she done.
That movie about to begin wasn't just any movie..
It was the porn movie I did last summer.
Alright no it wasn't, but it could have been.
This was something even worse:
A horror movie
Dun dun dun duuuun  
I'm really not good with that kinda stuff, really not.
So sorry sorry for waking everyone last night
And speaking of scary, this is how I looked like 2 days ago when we had our senior pictures taken.
Took me 5 bottles of that expensive stuff to get the pink outta my hair. Gotta admit I look awesome though!
                                               Now look, Fojortis is a very normal thing in sweden. In the girls case they got like in the picture of me, very much makeup, very much cleavage, and some condoms in the bra of course cus we are always ready.



And stop bitching about pictures, I heard you the first time now go get a life.
But hopefully I´ll have something to show you by the end of tomorrow, and hopefully it will be something pretty and hopefully you´ll like it.
Well, duuh..


Here I was thinking oh at least I have some good people on my side, they won't betray me. They will vote for Sweden and stop everyone from voting on Norway.
Don't you love me?
Cus it surely don't seem like it when fucking Norway freaking win the whole god damn competition and Sweden fucking make it to 20th.
I thought we were good, friends with everybody, even Germany.
Backstabbed is the understatement of the century.
We got 4 points from Denmark.
We ALWAYS vote for each other.
They aren't even neighbors!
And it's the same thing with Norway, but we only got 4 there too
But what hurts me the most, what's really making me cry my eyes out, is that I was betrayed by my own country.
Sweden actually wanted Norway to win.
We didn't care about the fact that they betrayed us the most; we kept our promise and gave them a 12 anyway.
Now this shows that Sweden is a much more mature and loyal country then all the others but I still can't help but feel heartbroken.
Couldn't Sweden be selfish just this once!?
Anyway, thanks for the support!
I really do feel LOVED!



As you all know it's the Eurovision song contest final tonight.
And as you also of course know, Sweden made it in.
Because you see, unlike, let's say.. ICELAND, we didn't cheat and sent a blond little pretty blue eyed big chested girl.  Sweden felt that no, it would be unfair of us to send one of our gorgeous Swedish dream girls, because then everyone would vote on us because of this beautiful girls looks, and not her voice and talent.
Instead Sweden, as the mature and modern country we are, choose Malena Ernman with her marvelous "la voix".
Malena is a grown woman with a wonderful voice, and she may be blond but we are not gonna let that stop her.
And that's why I need YOU!
Yes, YOU, to vote for Sweden tonight!
But, well it's not like you'd be able to resist anyway, Sweden is just too good.
So please, please pwwwweeeeeaaaasseee vote for Sweden and make me superduper happy and I´ll love you forever?

But if you really, really dont like this amazing song then for Zefrons sake do NOT vote for Norway.
Whatever you do, DO NOT LET THEM WIN!

Sweden, Malena Ernman- la voix
you know you want to!


So, me and some friends were out shopping a couple of days ago and I was walking with my good mate Sophia (who also happends to be 5 months pregnant and 15 years old). And we were on our way to the bus or something when I suddently see this poster with THE best band in Sweden in my opinon:
Dead By April
And I go like "oh gosh I love Dead By April!"
And Sophia: "OH I know the singer´s brother!!! LOVE THEM!"
I just stand there staring at the bitch for id say 10 seconds before my brain starts working again.
Why the hell didnt she tell me this before?
Ive known her for 5 years ffs!

And then today, in some class dont even know what we were suppose to be doing, I was talking with another friend, Alex, and she tells me she actually knows THE WHOLE GOD DAMN BAND!
She also tells me that they got a concert in Gothenburg this saturday and that she is going and "you wanna come?"
So me, Sophia and Alex were supposed to go to the concert and then sleep (but not really sleep) at HIS house.
As in Jimmie Strimell.
As in Dead By April´s lead singer.
(*girly scream)

But now, I am told by my ohh so wonderful father that there is nooooooo waaaaaaay im going. At all. End of discussion young lady.
Don´t you just LOVE overly overprotective fathers sometimes?


Another another day..

05.35 wakes up by that ohhhh sooo NOT annoying song po-po-po-pokerface. Gosh, you'd think that people in that age would have learned to talk but nope, not lady gaga.
05.35 falls asleep
06.10 sits up straight in the bed screaming several words my mom would not have approved of when I see I've overslept. Again.
06.12 running down the stairs at the same time putting on some jeans
06.13 moaning about how much my butt hurts after falling in the stairs
06.15 throwing on a outfit, not noticing until hours later that i look like crap
06.22 running around my house trying desperately to find my makeup
06.30 finding my makeup
06.31 doing my makeup
06.48 done with my makeup
06.50 doing my hair
07.05 looking at my breakfast
07.15 tripping again when I'm trying to put on my shoes at the same time as I'm putting on a necklace
07.20 runs towards the bus
07.21 trips on my own feet
07.25 FINALLY at the bus and safe from any tripping accidents.. or so I thought.
07.55 Slowly, very very slowly walking out of the bus.. one step at the time
07.56 Big smile, I made it out!
08.00 Skipping towards my locker, not thinking about what I'm doing and what risks I'm taking
08.01 deep sigh as my ass hits the floor again
08.15 Classes start, safe from accidents
09.40 P.E
09.41 Wondering what the hell that's wrong with me and why my butt is magnetic to the floor
11.55 LUNCH
13.20 Classes again WOHO, safe from this horrible ass-aching curse
15.20 for the first time ever, not happy schools out
15.30 sits in the bus, listening to Dead by April (L), thinking maybe this part of the day will be better than the first one
16.05 face hits the ground, is this karma?
16.16 putting one foot before the other as im walking towards the safety of my house
16.20 still doing that
16.25 just keeps walking slowly
16.27 Left, right. Left, right. Left, right.
16.30 HOME, feeling proud I made it without accidents
16.31 regrets feeling that as I'm lying face first on the floor
16.40 still lying on the floor
16.45 doesn't have the guts or energy to stand up
16.48 sooo close to falling asleep..
16.50 mom looks down on me, calmly asking "are you dead?"
16.51 "yes"
16.58 feeling that familiar need..
16.59 slowly standing up
17.00 can't resist it..
17.01 slowly climbing the stairs, almost hearing it call for me
17.02 walks into my very messy room, sees my little darling waiting for me
17.03 turning it on, my wonderful, beautiful, awesome little laptop
18.03 being bored, writing this, having a huge ice cream craving without having any ice cream sucks. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm ice cream...



I think its time for me to move to the next level, do something serious.
So its time for some dorky immature questions about yours truly!

Name: Jenny Josefine Lundqvist (my blog is named lundqUist just cus some other wannabe already took my name. that bitch)
Age: sweeeeeeet 16
Lives: SWEDEN, at my parent but moving to my own apartment in Gothenburg this summer. Yay me
Hair: im a brunette of course, so if you ever come to Sweden and see a girl with brown hair, then you know its me
Eyes: oh well, then im just like everybody else over here. Blue swedish eyes
Sports: shopping
Hobbies: acting<3 (if you havent figured that out by now, im a dramaqueen)
Favourite colour: PINK! (its actually blue but just go with it)
Favourite thing on the whole damn world: ICE CREAM, and Myshan <3

Im so sorry about this by the way, but I can´t help it. So you better get used to it!:D



"Nu ska jag sätta på min käraste"
-Mysan Geek Bengtsson

HAHAHA..HAHAHA..HA. hehe.. heh.


some people..

I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate my english teacher.
I have never in my entire life hated a person as much as i hate him (except Hitler and this boy in kindergarden who totally crushed my favorite barbie)
Last Wednesday in class we started talking about Africa and Congo, that's where he is from so he doesn't know Swedish, and someone asks the question if you hit kids in school in Africa.
And he sais:
"of course we do, if they are disturbing in class or if they don't know the answer to a question, we hit them. But only the small kids, the old ones will just hit back."
As everyone sits there stunned, trying to take this absorb this new information the brave boy in class asks the thing we are all dying to know:
 "did you hit any of the kids?"
and right at once, without a single doubt:
 "Yes I did, it gives them discipline. But its against the law to hit a child in Sweden, so I'm not going to do that. I think that's bad, because beating them makes them learn faster and it gives them discipline.. I think Swedish kids are spoiled, they are too sensitive."
(one time he was walking in the corridor and he meets a girl he teaches who had just come back from a holiday and he goes "ohh hey! I see you have grown fat!" The girl starts crying and tells her parents who tells the principal who tells the English teacher. This is what he meant by that we are too sensitive.)

And then someone asks him:
"Do you hit your own kids?"
Again, without a doubt:
"Yes, I do. It gives them discipline."
And then a boy asks such a smart question:
"Can't they learn discipline without you hitting them?"

And then on Friday, though i wasn't there then, the class is talking about gay marriage.
And at once he says that he is absolutely against it, and that "it's impossible for love to exist between two persons of the same gender. Its like a cat and a dog would fall in love. That is not real love. Love is between a man and a woman, and nothing else, otherwise its not that kind of love."
You see, he is very very very VERY fundamentalist Christian.
But even though he thinks that way he is not suppose to say it out loud in front of a bunch of students like that.
What if someone was gay there? If I was I would have been so extremely pissed of, well I am anyway cus I just HATE homophobic people.
If I would have been in that class I would seriously have slapped that idiotic bastard in the face or something. Cus that´s just waaaaay over the line.

(so sorry about this but hello! Im bored to death over here. Give me something else to write about and i´ll do it! jeez...)


oh my..

I got absolutely nothing to say about this, but if this is music.. oh my dearest Zefron..



where´s my earplugs damn it!?


This is Johan Palm.
We all thought he was gone after those horrible, horrific weeks in Idol 2008.
We were wrong.

He is back to once again to make my eyes and ears bleed.

Its only fjortisar who likes him anyway!
All of us normal people just want him to shut the fuck up and get a freaking haircut.
Well well.. dont come crying to me when he FINALLY hits puberty and gets a real voice.


just another day..

05.35 my clock starts ringing and its always the same freaking song, pokerface, even through its from the radio
05.40 I lie in bed, thinking of how horrible this day is gonna be
05.50 I think "I really should get up now"
05.55 I get up
06.05 I TRY to chose a outfit for the day
06.20 I'm done with choosing an outfit for the day
06.25 Breakfast, and that means looking at breakfast without actually touching it
06.35 MAKEUP
06.55 HAIR
07.15 change my outfit
07.20 change it again
07.25 thinking about changing my outfit, but realizing that I don't have time for that
07.27 out of the door, on the way to the "bus station"
07.30 sleeping in the bus next to my dear friend and pillow
08.01 sleepwalking towards my locker
08.15 classes start, falling asleep again
12.00 LUNCH, looking at food
13.00 classes start
15.25 classes END, I´m running around the corridors, screaming WOHOOOOOOOO, WE`RE FREEEEEEEEEE
15.30 on the bus, AWAKE
16.15 HOME
16.20 walking towards home
16.30 finally REALLY HOME
16.55 walking towards my friends house.. wondering what fun we might have today, being positive
17.05 home at my second home
17.07 gossiping
17.30 prank calling
17.40 gossiping
18.00 announcing I need to get home and start homework
18.45 finally getting out of there
19.05 HOME (we live on a hill, faster to walk FROM our house then TO our house)
19.07 getting all my homework ready
19.08 deciding that no, I'm just waaaaaaay too tired for this
19.10 walks slowly towards the laptop..
19.11 not being able to resist ....
19.12 turning it on...
19.13 MSN
20.07 (right at this very moment) writing this, wondering if I'm gonna fail the huge swedish test we got tomorrow. Thinking nah, I'll get my A anyway. Thinking I really shouldn't be so sure of myself. Laughing a little, giggling I think you would call it, don't know the reason to why though. Thinking I should really REALLY clean my room. Laughing again cus that will never happen. Wondering why the hell im writing this..


hippie, hooker or princess?

Both of us in Marie Antoinette dresses
Me as the strict but extremely hot nurse, and Hannah as the crazy patient
Drug addicts

Its our last time to make a statement before we graduate and, well.. I'm having some problems deciding what to wear and what to be.
Personally, I think the princess dresses is gonna look absolutely adorable.
But a sexy nurse is just too irresistible.
Everybody is normally hookers, so I won't really be noticed, still.. How many times do you get the opportunity to dress up like a slut without being judged like one?
And hippies.. aww man, I love hippies! What can you say about them besides that they are awesome?



make love (=ice cream) not war

Jenny + Ben + Jerry = LOVE

im not that girl

Don´t wish, don´t start.
Whishing only wounds the heart.

heartbreak sucks, dont ever do it

So here I am, opening my heart to whoever wants to see it:
Mau Infantozie, I am so sorry for whatever pain I may have caused you, just know that I wasnt aware of it.
You know that I love you, and wouldnt ever think about hurting you.
But I did.
And there is nothing I regret more than that.

I dont care if you dont love me anymore, it wont make me stop loving you.
Nothing will.