

Doing right now:

- Being sick. Natrually.

- Homework.

- Drugging asprins and other non effective but oh so addicting painkillers.

- Getting a bit dizzy..

- Eating a pear "because the more shitty it tastes the better it does for your body" - My father

- 2 And A Half Men

- Playing the Sims 2 (because I am needing the Sims 3 sooo much but I am too poor that I am just gonna have to settle with the less awesome version)

- Spotify ("Fibes, Oh Fibes!" - Swedish awesome band, google it)

- MSN because I may be a geek but atleast I have balls enough to admit it.

Thats all I wanted to say. I am going to shower now, bub bye!

Oh and one more thing:
- Missing my Ryan<3

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