

Sitting here in my bed eating sugar to stay awake, and drinkning some lovely mango juice which probably isnt mago juice at all since it only tastes of banana but mango makes it sound tastier. I mean "banana juice"... ew.

I am writing on my application for a trip to Africa, Senegal which some people are elected to. They are going there for a week or so I think, to talk about HIV and AIDS and I really REALLY want to go.
SO deserv it.
So now im trying to work this thing into making me seem as nice as possible which is pretty hard without lying, but I can do it.
I am ashamed of how arrogant I sound though, but oh well..

"And it would be such an amazing experience for the future since working in the Middle East, or some other vulnerable country, and help women and kids fight for their rights, is pretty much my dream job."

Too cheesy?

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